Art critic Chris Wan on the anti-narrative, the real world, and the effects of displacement in Hong Kong.
The Last Supper is a weekly podcast featuring artists, curators, collectors and gallerists in Asia. Available on Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast.
Art Critic, Writer, Curator Chris Wan
Ep.37 | This week I caught up with art critic, writer, and curator Chris Wan. He talked about the role of narrative and anti-narrative in the various art disciplines, the multiplicity of perspectives of how we perceived the world and we also talked about his personal experience of displacement in Hong Kong.
Panel discussion, White Cube gallery, Hong Kong, 2019
Residual Heat curated by Chris Wan, Axel Vervoordt , Hong Kong, 2021
A Collection in Two Acts, curated by Chris Wan from the collection of Yuri van der Leest, Rossi Rossi gallery, Hong Kong, 2022
Chris Wan Feng is a writer, critic and curator, currently works and lives in Hong Kong. His writing on contemporary art can be found on various media publications, e.g., Artforum. Chris’s recent research and curation focuses on new developments of local art system and creation of emerging artists in Hong Kong. He is also the founder and editor of independent art review project Daoju
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Chris Wan @chriswanfeng
The Last Supper podcast is produced and hosted by Oscar Venhuis
Podcast available on Spotify | Apple | Google
The Last Supper supports the Hong Kong Art Gallery Association (HKAGA)